Monday, October 29, 2018


The Runaway

This wall quilt is called “the runaway”, it is a block that doesn’t want to be part of the quilt anymore, so it leaves its spot and is hanging there, ready to run away.

Who has never, at least once, wanted to run away from a place or a situation you felt you didn’t belong or where you didn’t want to be? We have all been there. If you find yourself in an abusive or unsafe situation, please, do run away as far as you can from that. But, most of the things we want to run away from are things that must be dealt with. Take bills as an example: Hey! I have paid this last month, … and the month before, but it keeps on coming! Or situations that are just part of growing up and getting mature. You will never win if you keep running away. Stay and fight for whatever you find worth fighting for. And, remember you don’t have to fight alone, the Bible says in Hebrew 13:5b-6: “’I will never leave you nor forsake you’. So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” Yes, your heavenly Father is your helper and will fight for you when you are to weak to do so.
Be blessed!

O Fugitivo

Este quilt de parede é chamado “o fugitivo”, é um bloco que não quer mais ser parte do quilt, então ele escapa do seu lugar e fica lá pendurado, preparado para fugir.

Quem nunca, pelo menos uma vez, quis fugir de um lugar or situação de onde não sentia que pentencia ou onde não queria estar? Todos nós já nos vimos nessa situação. Se você se encontra em uma situação abusiva ou que não seja segura, por favor, fuja para o mais longe que puder. Mas, a maioria das coisas das quais queremos fugir são coisas com as quais devemos lidar. Contas, por exemplo: Hey! Eu paguei isso o mês passado, … e o mês anterior também, mas elas continuam vindo! Ou situações que são apenas parte de crescer e amadurecer. Você nunca vai vencer se continuar fugindo. Fique e lute por aquilo que vale a pena lutar. E, lembre-se que você não precisa lutar sozinho(a), a Bíblia diz em Hebreus 13:5b-6: “’Nunca o deixarei, nunca o abandonarei’. Podemos, pois, dizer com confiança: ‘O Senhor é o meu ajudador, não temerei. O que me podem fazer os homens?’” Sim, o seu Pai celestial é seu ajudador e lutará por você quando você estiver fraco demais para lutar.
Seja abençoado(a)!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Plano de Salvação com Fantoche - Video (Portuguese only, sorry!)

Este video foi filmado em 2009, durante uma oficina de contação de estórias que ministrei em uma igreja Batista em Santo André, SP. Mostra o plano de salvação em cores com fantoche. Mostre aos pequenos e sejam abençoados.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


I always dreamed of being a mother. I remember when I was 4, and sat down by a pregnant lady at church and was amazed about the fact that there was a baby in her belly. All my life I waited for that moment, but never knew how hard it would be for me to be able to become a mom. Every year that passed without success seemed like an eternity, the emptiness of my arms hurt so bad, I started getting bitter, and more and more depressed. But, I knew my heavenly Father had promised me a child, and I held on to that promise, knowing my Father is not a liar.

On November 27, 2012, I wrote this:
Every month I jump from a cliff, blind-folded, and I fall on rocks, instead of the promised pleasant water.
Why do I keep jumping?
I believe the promise.
I spend half of the month getting ready to fall, and falling, not knowing where I am going to land, and the other half tending to my wounds, and preparing myself to jump again.
Will I keep jumping?
Oh, yeah! I believe the promise, and I am really looking forward for the water.

Hebrew 11:1 says, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Believing this with all my heart, I started knitting this blanket for my baby. I would work on it every month when I found out I was not pregnant. I knitted, cried, and declared "MY FATHER IS NOT A LIAR!" I finished the crocheted borders with Joshua in my womb. Well, I was still crying , but this time tears of joy and thankfulness.

Eu sempre sonhei em ser mãe. Eu lembro que quando eu tinha 4 anos eu me sentei ao lado de uma mulher grávida na igreja e fiquei maravilhada com o fato de ter um bebê na barriga dela. Eu esperei por esse momento minha vida toda, mas não sabia que seria tão difícil conseguir me tornar mãe. Cada ano que passava sem sucesso parecia uma eternidade, o vazio em meus braços doia tanto, eu comecei a ficar amarga, e cada vez mais deprimida. Mas, eu sabia que meu Pai celestial tinha me prometido uma criança, e eu me segurava a esta promessa, sabendo que meu Pai não é um mentiroso.

Em 27 de novembro de 2012, eu escrevi isto:
Todo mês eu pulo de um penhasco, com vendas nos olhos, e caio em rochas, ao invés da agradável água prometida.
Por que eu continuo pulando?
Eu acredito na promessa.
Eu passo metade do mês me preparando para pular, e pulando, não sabendo onde vou cair, e a outra metade cuidando de minhas feridas, e me preparando para pular novamente.
Eu vou continuo pulando?
Oh, sim! Eu acredito na promessa, e estou realmente esperando pela água.

Hebreus 11:1 diz, "Ora, a fé é a certeza de coisas que se esperam, a convicção de fatos que se não vêem." Acreditando nisto com todo meu coração, eu comecei a tricotar uma manta para o meu bebê. Eu tricotava to mês quando descobria que não estava grávida. Eu tricotava, chorava, e declarava "MEU PAI NÃO É MENTIROSO!" Eu terminei de crochetar as bordas com o Joshua na minha barriga. Bem, eu ainda estava chorando, mas desta vez eram lágrimas de alegria e gratidão.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Birth of Jesus

This is the book I wrote, designed and sewed all the illustrations. It is, as the title says, the account of the birth of Jesus. The story that has been told over and over, but with so much relevance every day.
It is a great book for kids, but also for any other age group, and, of course, the ones who appreciate patchwork and quilting.
The book can be purchased from the publishers on-line bookstore:
Be blessed!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Beautiful Feet

This is a wall hanging I made for Joshua's room before he was born. The black and white picture is an ultrasound image of his feet.  On the right side I embroidered Romans 10:15, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Joshua has been a blessing to us and brought good news even before he was born. As the desire of my heart was to be a mother and it was so difficult and took so long to be able to get pregnant. Joshua is a promise from the Lord and has promises for his life as well. I pray that he will grow and serve the Lord with the gifts the Lord gives him.
Romans 10:13-15 in the ASV says: "For 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him
of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach (bring) the good news!'"
The good news is the news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to all of us, who know the good news and have experienced the effects of the gospel in our lives, is the calling to preach, share, bring it to others, so they can call on the name of the Lord, because they heard of him from us.